My Favorite Films of the Past Year

Blog exclusive!

In this new weekly series I will be highlighting the things I love most and least about cinema.

Top Ten for 2012:


  1. "Django Unchained" dir. by Quentin Tarantino
  2. "Skyfall" dir. by Sam Mendes
  3. "Argo" dir. by Ben Affleck
  4. "The Dark Knight Rises" dir. by Christopher Nolan
  5. "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" dir. by Peter Jackson
  6. "Dredd" dir. by Pete Travis
  7. "The Hunger Games" dir. by Gary Ross
  8. "Lincoln" dir. by Steven Spielberg
  9. "The Avengers" dir. by J.J. Abrams
  10. "The Amazing Spider-man" dir. by Marc Webb

I know there are plenty of critically acclaimed films such as "Moonrise Kingdom", "Looper" and "Silver Linings Playbook", but I only ranked films that I've watched.

Others of note:
  • Honorable Mention: "Hit and Run" dir. by Dax Shepard
  • Best Re-release of 2012: "Titanic" dir. by James Cameron
  • Best trailer of 2012: "Dredd" dir. by Pete Travis
  • Guilty Pleasure: "The Collector" dir. by Marcus Dunstan

 The bottom of the barrel:

  • Worst film overall: "Taken 2" dir. by Olivier Megaton
  • Worst 3D film: "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" dir. by George Lucas
  • Most overhyped/underperforming film of 2012: "Prometheus" dir. by Ridley Scott
  • Runner-up; most overhyped/underperforming film: "The Bourne Legacy" dir. by Tony Gilroy
What I'm looking forward to in 2013:

The #1 Film I can't wait to see next year is Zach Snyder's Superman reboot "Man of Steel".
Others films I want to see include: "Oblivion", "Pacific Rim", "Star Trek Into Darkness", "Iron Man 3" and "Oz: The Great and the Powerful".

That said, science fiction and action hero movies will take center stage for me this year.

Now feel free to be taken on a grand adventure to Middle Earth below:

As always thanks for reading!


© 2013 Matthew R. Reis, All rights reserved.


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